Cattleya Orchids...

Cattleyas Range in size from tiny miniatures perfect for window sill cultures to larger standard cats with spectacular 6 to 8 inch flowers. Cattleyas have long been called the "Queen of Orchids" for their large flower size and wide range of colors. They can be easy to grow and flower with little care and many bloom two or three times a year. If you are a beginner or you don't have a lot of room, try a miniature or compact variety since they tend to do better under low light and they flower more often.

When your order from our list please note the following terms & abbreviations in our plant descriptions:
  • A Mericlone has been propagated by cloning and every plant will grow the same and bloom with the same flower as others with the same name. A Mericlone is a proven variety that has been cloned to retain its special & unique characteristics.
  • A clone's name is usually followed by a varietal name in quotation marks. If a plant is not a mericlone that means it has been propagated from seed. Like your kids, no two will be the exact same even though there may be similarities, this is how new varieties are discovered or created. If you want a one of a kind or you are looking for something new and unique then try an Orchid propagated from seed.
  • B.S. = Blooming Size.
  • N.B.S. = Near Blooming Size (usually within 8-14 months of first bloom).
  • SDLNG = Baby Plant
  • Click on the plant name to see it's picture. We dont have a photo for all of them yet but we will add them as soon as possible.

Blc. Crowfield "Mendenhall" Mericlone. Outstanding bloomers with large heads of hard waxy bright green flowers. Very hardy growers and fragrant. Blooming size 4" pot.
L. Purpurata "Schuster" Mericlone. A terrific variety of a famous species with light pink sepals and petals and a deeper colored lip. Very large flowers. Large seedling size 4" pot.
Lc. Angels Treasure "Hawaii" Mericlone. Compact plants with clusters of rosy pink flowers. These bloom easy and often Many flowers on mature plants. Near blooming size 4" pot.
Lc. Mini Purple "Princess Road" Mericlone. Another great Mini Purple hybrid. Small plants with full shaped deep purple blooms. Easy Growing. Near Blooming size 4" pot.
Blc. (walkeriana x Good News) "Carmela" Mericlone. Very fragrant flowers white with contrasting red flaring on the sepals and petals and a deep red lip. seedling size 2" pot.
Pot. Luna Juane "Celebration" Mericlone. Terrific bloomer with round golden yellow flowers on smaller plants. Blooming size 3" pot.
Blc. Oconee x Blc. Fred Stewart A great seedling cross of two proven standard type Cattleya's. The few that we've seen flower so far have been a bright purple but there have been some red colors too. All have been firm full shaped blooms Blooming size 4" pot.
Bc.Island Charm "OC" Mericlone. A beautiful medium to compact sized cat with perfectly shaped white flowers with a bright yellow lip and stripes in the petals. A very easy growing orchid. Blooming size 4" pot.
Blc. Dora Louise Capen 'Lea' Mericlone. An outsanding full bright yellow flower with strong red flaring in the sepals, petals and lip. Very striking.Blooming size 4" pot.
C. Penny Kuroda x L. briegeri Very strong growing compact plants with clusters of pink to yellows and even a few almost whites all with purple flaring blooming on tall spikes. Very colorful blooms on very easy growing plants. These will bloom 2 to 3 times a year. Blooming size 4" pot.
C. Dupreana "coerulea" subvar. "Kodama" Mericlone. Fast & easy growing cat with very large light blue colored flowers and a deeper blue lip.
[B.S. = Blooming Size; N.B.S. = Near Blooming Size, SDLNG = Baby plant]